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The French VCE Program

The best way to think of the French VCE program is a ‘Duolinguo’ designed with the French VCE curriculum in mind.


You download an app named ‘Quizizz’ on your phone and you create a free student account. I will add you to a class and every day – from Monday to Friday – a new quiz pops up.

How does it work?

You download the app Quizizz on your phone and you create a free student account. You will then receive a code to join the BonjourATAR class.


Starting from Monday, you will start receiving a new quiz each day of the week (from Monday-Friday). You have until the end of the fortnight to complete all the quizzes before they disappear. Each quiz should take 5-7 minutes and can be attempted twice.


By the end of the fortnight, you will have reviewed a range of vocabulary and sentences that you can directly use in your writing, reading, listening and speaking tests.​


What does it look like?

Each fortnight, we look at a new topic that is part of the VCE curriculum.

For example, the first topic is L’amitié. Every day from Monday to Friday, you receive a new quiz that reviews vocabulary, grammar and sentences that relate to the topic of L’amitié. â€‹


What level is it for?

Currently, there is only one level on offer: Level 1. It is made for VCE students with an intermediate level. 


In Level 1, we start with intermediate vocabulary and a beginner level of grammar and sentence structures. We gradually move to a more advanced level. 


To give you a better idea, here are some grammatical concepts you can expect to work on in the first few weeks of Level 1:

  • Simple sentence structures with pronouns, adjectives and adverbs in affirmative and negative sentences. We establish the correct word order in French sentences.

  • All categories of verbs (regular and irregular as well as reflexives). In the first few weeks, we mainly use them in the present tense, passé composé and future proche.

  • Correct use of prepositions with countries, places, verbs, etc.

  • Use of direct and indirect pronouns (le, la, lui, leur…) as well as French stressed pronouns (moi, toi, lui…)


If these are things you want to refresh and reinforce so that it becomes easy and automatic for you, Level 1 is a good fit. If this seems too easy and you are curious about what’s coming for Level 2 (intermediate-advanced), leave your email below so that you can be the first one to know when Level 2 is coming out.


I am in Year 10 and I have never learned French before. Can I sign up to Level 1?

If you've never done any French before, I would suggest that you wait at least few months before starting the program. It’s important that you already have strong foundations before jumping in.


If you’re highly motivated and can work independently, then I encourage you to sign up after a few months of practice.


Feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss this further. 



Level 1 next starting date: 24th March

Ask me anything!

Still got a question about the program? Feel free to do so here

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